left in the wild
Height : 426 - 600 cm
Weight : 793 - 1270 kg
Habitat : South Africa
Giraffes are the worlds tallest mammal with necks of more than 7 feet in length and legs taller than most humans at 6 feet long. These long legs allow Giraffes to run as fast as 35mph over short distances and cruise comfortably at 10mph over long distances. As herbivores they eat hundreds of pounds of plants a week with their incredibly long 20 inch tongues that allow them to reach tall tress and branches. Their tall necks allow them to see far which gives them a sharp lookout for their predators but can also make them vulnerable to predators when as they need to bend into awkward positions in order to drink water. Luckily they only need to drink once every several days due to their diet. They have beautiful spotted coats and no two individuals have the same pattern although they may look similar. They tend to stay and roam in groups of around 6. They have long pregnancies and give birth standing up with the infants falling 5 feet to the ground who can stand within half an hour of birth and even run with their mothers after 10 hours. Although these beautiful mammals have been around for over a million years, giraffes are quickly loosing their living spaces and are facing threats all around them
Climate Change
Climate change is causing threats to all species on earth including humans. This is mainly down to humans impact on earth. Climate change is causing the earth to get warmer currently putting 20 - 30% of all species at risk of extinction including the giraffe.
Human Impact
Giraffes have lost 40% of their population in the last 30 years and it is only getting worse. In the late 19th century and early 20th century herds of 20 to 30 giraffes were recorded but they now travel in herds of less than 6 due to humans impact on the world.
Loss of Habitat
As human population expands and grows so does the space that humans need. This leads to more agriculture, settlements and roads causing the decline in the giraffes habitat. Their space is shrinking and they are loosing their beloved acacia trees, which are their main source of food.
Unfortunately giraffes are hunted by humans for their hides, meat and body parts. Giraffes tails are highly prized by many African cultures and are used in good luck bracelets and fly whisks. They are easily killed and poaching is getting worse.
Did You Know?
Giraffes hearts weigh about 25 pounds so the blood gets pumped all the way to the head.
Scientific Name : Giraffa
Life Span : 25 years
Diet : Herbivorous (Plants, Leaves, Fruit etc.)
Predators : Lions, Leopards and Hyenas
Gestation : 464 days